Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Documentary Theatre

In the video about V-Day, there is a quote by Jane Fonda “Women are being transformed by art.” What does she mean by this? How is this production making a difference, or is it just entertainment?


  1. Just by one performance of The Vagina Monologues, a woman can be able to hear the message, take it in, and release all the bitterness and hatred that might be inside of her from a past experience. Performance is a form of art; therefore, art has transformed this woman and any others that are affected by this. This production, now being shown all over the world has ridden some women of guilt, shame, and hatred, and given them the opportunity to feel that they are not alone in their conflicts. There is no shame in talking about it anymore.

  2. Women are allowed o talk about their vaginas withouth being embarassed about what is said. It's making a difference with women knowing they can talk about the abuse and that they no longer have to take abuse from anyone.
    It is entertaining because some of the comments and jokes make you laugh. The laughter is good for the soul and is also a marvelous outlet.

  3. TI me it semms that she is saying through The Vagina Monologues, women are able to express themselves in an art form of stand up comedy to bring out awareness about there cause.

  4. Women are being transformed by art because with this play/monologues they realize that it is okay to talk about the sexual hardships that they are not alone. Since they know they are not alone they feel that they can open up about what ever happened to them. Some can take it as entertainment others know that it means a lot because it is true.

  5. Women are transformed by the art of the Vagina Monologues; a comical monologue put together to help stop the violence against women. It is entertaining in the sense that the comments made are halarious and it is making a difference because women are telling their stories and encouraging other women who may have gone through the same thing to strive. The encouraging message is empowering women to stand up overcome their issues.

  6. I interpreted Jane Fonda's statement to mean that because of the Vagina Monologues, women are coming out of the closet about their experiences regarding their sexual experiences, whether it be good or bad. Women of all generations are expressing their thoughts about the way society views a woman's vagina and how throughout the years we as a society have begun to embrace this precious gift to the world. This movement will impact the world for many years to come because it is a premise that will never change unless society heres real people and raw feelings.

  7. After hearing Ms. Jane Fonda go on about how "Women are being transformed by art". Well I believe what she was trying to get across was basically, just like her VDAY PRODUCTION, she wanted to bring something to the stage that had never been brought upon before, and as she dug quite deep down to the "nitty gritty" and made women all over the world come and become a part of this movement which allowed the "vagina" itself to take center stage for her first debut. The whole point I'm trying to make is that by Ms.Jane Fonda bringing these deep, real life stories/memories of all types of women to center stage to be acted out among thousands & thousands of women was art in itself which is why people responded to this movement so well to this day all over the world. It is truly Amazing : ) I'm so glad this movement was brought up in this theatre appreciation course, because its breathtaking I may even be attending one in the near future hopefully, and the funny thing is this was the first I had ever heard of the VDAY.

  8. "Women are being changed by art". This is a powerful statement and a true one. The "Vagina Monologues" has helped thousands of women who have experienced and suffered abuse to know that they are not alone. They can know that others have experienced the same things and have survived and have been able to take control of their own lives. I believe that this "work of art" helps to empower and encourage those that have been made to feel like victims.

  9. Women all over the world are being changed and transformed by art while having a chance to tell their story. Women, who have been in seclusion and in denial of what happened to them in secret, can now come out in the open and start to heal by viewing other women's stories. They may not feel alone anymore knowing that someone else in the world, share their same pain. These monologues/plays are releasing healing, happiness and love throughout the world.
