Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Group Collaborations

Thus far in class you have been working in collaboration with other students to create performances and work on dramatic exercises. How has this experience been for you? Explain the advantages and the disadvantages. Elaborate on the process of “group dynamics” (please do not use other student names)


  1. I've enjoyed working with other students in my theatre class creating performances and working on dramatic exercises. Some advantages of working with other students is getting the chance to work together and form new ideas for an act. Another advantage is working with students that have different ways off performing and learning a great deal from their performances. Some disadvantages to working in a group is sometimes with all the ideas that are available we never get to use them all, also working in a group sometimes can be difficult because not everyone can agree on something together. The process of group dynamics is important in some groups we have the great actor, the person with great ideas, and the person with great personality. Groups provide a variety of choices.

  2. I loved working with other students and creating performances based on what we learned in class. I was always a firm believer of working together because the ideas that others bring to the table are awesome. Working together really stretched my imagination a lot and it was really funny to act out scenarios to the class.

  3. When I entered this class I had envision a lot of reading and watching a few theatrical clips. So far it has been great to work with my classmates. Getting to know other students and coming together to create a performance has been interesting. The advantage to these "plays" is that I get to express myself in a way I would normally not act. The disadvantage is that we sometimes have a hard time figuring out what to perform.

  4. I have had fun working with my classmates and acting things out. its always a different experience and everyone always has a different idea to bring to the table. There was always the mix up of 'that was your line' 'nooo you were suppose to say THIS first' and of course the normal jitters of getting up in front of people to act out something that you could probably consider silly

  5. I'm having a great time working with different classmates and collaborating a funny yet entertaining skit. The only disadvantage is the time frame we have to practice our lines and perform as some of us tend to forget our lines or leave something out in which could have provided comedy to the play etc. Overall, I'm definitly enjoying the class and the group acts.

  6. I have to admit that I did not expect to have to create performances and participate in dramatic exercises when I signed up for this class. At first it made me extremely uncomfortable since I tend to be insecure about these things in a group of people that I do not know. However, I have found that it has forced me out of my comfort zone and into a place where I am actually enjoying the feeling of freedom one can get from being creative; and since we are all "in the same boat" no one is being judgemental. It has been fun and I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone. The only disadvantage has been that not everyone is "into" it and that can put a damper on things. Group dynamics means everything. There needs to be a leader that can be kind of a facilitator, a creative person to come up with an original idea, and enthusiastic participants to make it a fun experience.

  7. I like working in group it provide with a great choice of people to work with. The group activities make you have to use your imagination .when you’re in a group everyone have their idea and thought and you have to combine your idea with everyone in the group. The disadvantage is that it can be a little hard to perform In front of everyone. Group activities give you choice and idea how to act or say something.

  8. Acting is not my forte. Writing would be more my contribution to theatre if I had to partake. I am not shy, but I'm awkward and do not feel comfortable at all in front of an audience. After saying that, the students in class are wonderful to work with. They do try to help you along and fill in the blanks. The positive about group collaboration is that you have other actors to speak and act most of the scenes. You do not have to carry the whole load, and if it is improv and you stumble, there are others to take the rein. The only disadvantage I can see is if your group refuses to rehearse or or if the members do not include your opinions and you have to do something you are not comfortable with.

  9. Working with other students has been a great experience. Advantages are being able to get to know other people, and being able to intereact with a diversity of people, and learning their diverse ways of acting. Disadvantanges in working in a group are when you have teammemebers who are not willing to give a 100 percent, comes in late and want hold up the whole group.

  10. Well this class has been a very new and interesting experience for me. I not a person that really interacts with others so freely I usually stay to myself and pray that class is not going to be long and boring. But with this class I am actually interacting with people I don’t know. Its very fun, it gives me a change to open up to other as well as a chance to know what others are like. I don’t seen any disadvantage in interacting with other, putting ideals together to make plays and/or scenes, getting different opinions on different situations, just getting to know what others are like. I found that getting to know other people isn’t as bad as I thought it’s very fascinating.

  11. When I did choose to take this class, I thought it will be boring. But I have to admit it is really interesting and fun about everything I did and learned in this class and I still doing it. Therefore I have to say it is really fun working with my classmates and playing different characters improvisations. Well many times we forgot to do or to say something else, but it was okay because we did not have too much time to prepare and memorize everything. I have the opportunity to work with different groups and each member of each group always contribute with different and new ideas for the performance. I remember when we make faces that were the most wonderful time I had in this class. I really appreciate the relaxing exercises at the beginning of the class because make me relax after 8 hours working and driving from Weston to Coral Springs.

  12. Working and collaborating with my creative new friends has been a refreshing and non-stressful experience. Developing and creating performances has made me more aware of the positions of actors in a play and the playwright. The advantages were learning the actor’s strengths and weaknesses. The disadvantages are not having enough time to perfect your performance. The dynamics were all the great ideas that popped in my head, especially while the groups were performing, receiving other ideas to enhance your performance, and making you want to give your all during your performance.

  13. This experience is helping with coming out of my shell. The advantages and disadvantages are you can see the students with real creativity and talent and you can see the ones who should just watch the ones with real creativity and talent. The dynamics are the art of working together to create wonders of work in such a short time.

  14. I really enjoyed the exercises with my classmates. I have no acting or theatre background so I did feel like a fish out of water. I wouldn't change the experience for anything. An advantage was that the performances enabled the students to interact with each other and the disadvantage would only be that we didn't have enough time to develop the scenes. I loved it!

  15. Group dynamics- Well what can I say they sounded quite intimidating at first especially because I had not worked with any of the students who are taking this course yet, so I'm not familiar with their acting techniques and if we will be able to mesh well when performing our various skits. I truly had a great time working with everyone though. It was interesting every group I worked with was so different every time it kept things exciting.

    -Christina Cardenas
